
Strategy For Large Poker Tournaments

The first thing that you want to do before playing in a video poker tournament is figure out the rules and other details.

This is important because you must decide what kind of strategy is needed to reach the prize money. You must also figure out what tourneys best suit you.

Here are the standard types of video poker tournaments:


Multi-Table Tournament Strategies Multi-table tournaments are poker tournaments on a large-scale with a huge pool of players. Everyone buys in for the same fee and players are split across. Multi-Table Tournament Strategies Multi-table tournaments are poker tournaments on a large-scale with a huge pool of players. Everyone buys in for the same fee and players are split across. Short Stack Poker Tournament Strategy: 15 Big Blinds and Below. Strategies for Playing Poker on the Bubble. Poker Strategy: Big Blind Math and 16-30 Big Blinds.

  • Buy-In Without a Fee – These events see 100% of players’ buy-ins go directly into the prize pool.
  • Buy-in with a Fee – The casino that’s hosting the tournament takes a small fee from each buy-in. In most cases, the fee includes an extra 5%-10% on top of the buy-in (e.g.,$100 + $10).
  • Open Freeroll – A freeroll is aptly named, since you don’t have to pay anything to enter. The “open” aspect refers to how anybody at the casino can enter because there aren’t any requirements.
  • VIP Freeroll – These tournaments also don’t require players to pay an entry fee. The catch is that you have to be a certain VIP status to be invited.

Getting through the Beginning, Middle & Late Stages. All poker tournaments have a beginning. Oct 07, 2016 3 Thoughts for Re Entry Poker Tournaments. Since the strategic implications of re entry tournaments are all over the place, I think it’s be best to attack them in a list format. Re entry tournaments are effectively just regular tournaments with tougher fields.

You should use your specific situation to decide what type of events you’re willing to play.

A well-funded video poker player who wants to compete for big prize money will find open freerolls to be a waste of time.

This is because open freerolls can draw hundreds or thousands of players. And the prize pools are generally small, meaning a tiny percentage of the field will cash.


On the other hand, any gambler with a small bankroll should consider open freerolls because these offer a chance to win real money.

Another consideration comes in with VIP freerolls. Specifically, you want to decide whether the freeroll prize pools make it worth attaining a specific loyalty status.

You should also look at the other rewards being offered in the program to see if it’s worth meeting the VIP status requirements.

Strategy For Large Poker Tournaments List

When it comes to buy-in tournaments, you obviously want to play in events where you don’t have to pay extra fees. But keep in mind that tourneys with house fees can be the most lucrative in termsof prize pools.

As for the rules, you need to know if a tourney has a time limit, credit limit, hand limit, or a combination of these. Here are different formats featured in video poker tournaments:

  • Timed – These tournaments last for a specific number of minutes (e.g., 20 minutes). The winner is the player with the highest score when the time is up.
  • Credit Limit – Entrants continue playing until their credits run out. The winner is determined by who has the most credits when everybody is finished playing their round.
  • Credit and Time Limit – Ends when the time limit is reached. But players can also run out of credits before the time limit.
  • Hand Limit – The tournament runs for a specific number of hands (e.g., 300 hands). The winner is the player who has the highest bankroll when the hands are finished.

Timed tournaments are the most common in video poker. These see you play as quickly as possible in hopes of winning the most credits.


For example, you may be given 30 minutes to rack up as many credits as possible. When the half hour is up, players’ scores are tallied, and a winner is determined.

You want to play as quickly as possible in any timed video poker tourney. This ensures that you give yourself the best possible chance to win lots of credits.

Strategy For Large Poker Tournaments Tournament

Hand limit events are also fairly common. An example would be a tournament that lasts for 500 hands.

You should take your time with these tourneys because there’s no pressure and you want to make the best decisions.

Tips for Getting Past the Big Field Tournaments

Having played my fair share of Sunday Tournaments I know they can be very hard to finish highly in. The most popular of these: the Stars $1.5 million GTD and the UB $200k GTD contain thousands of entrants but but that makes the chances of a payoff are quite slim. With over 7,000 entrants on average in the Stars Sunday Million, I happily recommend alternatives such as Bodog’s $100k GTD or UB’s weekly $200k GTD. If you’re still dead keen on the big tournaments then here are some tips for you.

Stay Tight Early & Let the Agro-Maniacs Bust Out

Big tournaments have massive rewards, hence you’ll find a lot of regs shoving their stacks in early and trying to double up and get top of the tournament chip leaderboard. The fields will thin fastest because in the first few rounds. To stop yourself getting busted out by over limpers and players shoving light, I suggest playing extra tight in the first half dozen hands and quite literally fold all of your non-premo hands from EP. I’d be looing at a VPIP% of 10% or even less depending on the table. Unless you literally have AA or KK, I don’t recommend entering pots from EP or SB because there are just too many players left to re-raise the pot. Normally I’ll happily set-mine with low pockets regardless of my position at the table but even these become suspect when you’re facing 3bets pre-flop.

Strategy For Large Poker Tournaments 2019

Focus on the Game, Not the Payoffs and Remaining Players

Strategy for large poker tournaments for real

My biggest distraction as a tournament player is checking who bust out when and how many players are remaining every 5 minutes. It’s important to know what level of the tournament you’re in and how close you are to the bubble, of cours this affects your strategy and looseness of play But you shouldn’t be distracted when you could be picking up valuable tells and action from players who you might encounter later on. Playing in the big guaranteed tournaments can also be quite unsettling for new players or those who qualified through satellites, and my tip is just to focus on your game and don’t think too much about the money.

Turning Off When You Switch Tables

Your knowledge and ability to categorise players is one of the rare skills that great tournament players possess. In the later stages of a tournament your ability to read someone’s 3bet or re-steal range from UTG is the type of information that will win you the tournament. So everytime you switch tables don’t turn off. Uppdate yourself on the new players because there is alot of changing information you need to process, including the average M-zone and VPIP% of the table. It can be difficult and stressful, but again this is what will get you to the final table and give you an edge on your opponents.

Use Your Tournament Breaks Wisely


Tournaments at major poker sites have synchronised breaks – usually 5 minutes every hour. The best way to take advantage of these is to go to the toilet, drink/eat, do some exercise and generally anything that will wake yourself up and improve concentration for the next hurdle. If you’re playing for another 4 hours you’ll probably regret wasting your time checking your emails.

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