
Nuts Poker League Rules

The Nuts Poker League - No Limit Texas Hold em

Tournament Rules

Redtooth Poker Update. As everyone is aware Covid19 has massively affected all aspects of life. Unfortunately due to Grosvenor Casino’s being unable to host any external tournaments until January, we are now having to put steps in place to make cancellations to the RPT 2020 and amendments to outstanding events including National Finals and Regional Finals. It more than justifies the reason that Card Guard’s should be used by ALL Poker Player’s. Perhaps at some future date, a RULING will be made, stating that all Players should use some form of Card Guard, so as to STOP Players covering their Pocket Cards with their Hands, thus enabling the game to play-out in an orderly and calm manner! One of the most misunderstood and debatable terms in Poker is “Checking the nuts”. This term came into lime light in 2009 during the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main event. A female poker player (who had apparently won a contest to get entry into the event) was taken aside and was penalized & patronized for “Checking the nuts”. NO OTHER REGIONS PUB POKER LEAGUE OFFERS SO MUCH TO PLAY FOR. HOW HIGH WILL YOU AIM? Success for the Region in the UK Final see here. FOR THE NEW SEASON To add more reasons for playing at your local venue for the new season, 4 venues are going to be randomly chosen to receive a National seat for the March 2020 Nationals.

Below are the rules the Nuts Poker League recommend pubs and clubs use for their Poker Tournaments.

Please note, any Tournaments played within a Casino will be played to the Casino’s rules and may differ from the ones below. The Casino’s Cardroom Supervisor’s decision on any rulings is final.

Section A - General Concepts

A1 Floor Decisions– Floorpeople* must consider the best interest of the game and fairness as top priorities in the decision-making process. Unusual circumstance can dictate that decisions in the interest of fairness take priority over the technical rules. The floorperson's decision is final. *Floorpeople/Floorperson/Floor is a term used to describe any person who is deemed to have a position of authority and or decision making within a tournament, the list of possible positions held within a tournament is exhaustive, and local variations are wide spread. From hereon in Floorperson shall be used as the collective term.

A2 Under 18’s– are not permitted to play in league events.

A3 Code of Participant Conduct

i Anyone found to have engaged in or attempted to engage in any act that Tournament officials believe in their sole and absolute discretion compromises or could compromise the competitive integrity of The Nuts Poker League (TNPL) will be subject to sanctions imposed by us. Acts include but shall not be limited to acting in a disruptive manner, believed to be under the influence of drink or drugs or otherwise interfere with the running of the tournament. The nature and extent of the sanctions imposed (in addition to the penalties described in Section J) shall be in the sole and absolute discretion of us and may include, but shall not be limited to; Forfeiture of Chips, Forfeiture of Prize Money, Ejection from the Tournament, Loss of Privilege to Participate in future TNPL events & Exclusion from entering premises of designated affiliates of TNPL. TNPL operates a zero tolerance approach to Physical or Verbal violence, and instances should be reported to the local police force.

iiAny and all violations of this Code of Participant Conduct may be publicly disclosed in an effort to deter future violations and to assist other poker Tournaments in identifying Participants who engage in play or any action that is illegal, unethical, or constitutes cheating or collusion in any form.

iiiTNPL may impose penalties of any kind or nature upon any person who gives, makes, issues, authorizes or endorses any statement or action having, or designed to have, an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best interest of the Tournament as determined by us.

A4 Player Responsibilities- Players are expected to verify registration data and seat assignments, protect their hands, make their intentions clear, follow the action, act in turn, defend their right to act, keep cards visible, keep chips correctly stacked, remain at the table with a live hand, speak up if they see a mistake being made, transfer tables promptly, follow one player to a hand, know and comply with the rules, follow proper etiquette, and generally contribute to an orderly tournament.

A5 Official Terminology of Tournament Poker- Official betting terms are simple, unmistakable, time-honored declarations like: bet, raise, call, fold, check, all-in. Regional terms may also meet this standard. The use of non-standard language is at player’s risk because it may result in a ruling other than what the player intended. It is the responsibility of players to make their intentions clear. See also Rules H4 & H13.

A6 Electronic Devices and Communication- Players may not talk on the phone whilst at the table, you must move at least a tables length away from your table to talk on the phone, ensuring you do not interfere with another table in play. Use of electronic devices is permitted (for example tweeting, texting) where a player is not in the hand and this does not interfere with play. Devices must not rest on the playing surface or rail. TNPL reserves the right to deny use of devices or any other object or apparel where appropriate (See also Rule K1)

A7 Official Language– The English-only rule will be enforced in the United Kingdom during play; In Wales and Scotland the use of the Native Gaelic language shall be permitted where appropriate. Regional and National events will use the English-Only rule.

A8 Deal Making– TNPL recognises that players may wish to discuss a deal during a tournament, where a deal is proposed the following items must be satisfied: a) A Suitable member of the Floor Staff must be present, B) All players remaining must be present. TNPL Recommends that 1) The clock be paused on the first deal discussion, proposal and ballot, but otherwise not paused thereafter 2) Red(no)/Black(yes) card system is utilised for privacy. 3) Any deal at Regional level may include a minimum of 10% of the remaining prizepool for the outright winner 4) No player wins more via a sanctioned deal than will be available to the winner. 5) Deals solely based on current chip counts are strongly discouraged.

A9 LegalityTNPL is subject to all applicable laws and regulations of the UK, including but not limited to the UK Gambling Act 2005 & Criminal Law Acts of respective Countries of the UK.

Section B – Seating Players; Breaking & Balancing Tables

B1 Random Correct Seating- Tournament and satellite seats will be randomly assigned throughout a tournament (see Rule K1.) A player who started the tournament in the wrong seat with the correct chip stack amount will be moved to the correct seat and will take his current total chip stack with him.

B2 Late Entries, Re-Entries, Early Bonuses & Absent Players

iPlayers entering the Tournament as Late Entries, Re-Entries*, Alternates** or otherwise later than other players shall be sold full stacks, local variations of the Late Entry scheme may at their discretion utilize a penalty of not more than 30% of the full stack for late entry. (ega 10k stack could be penalized by the player receiving 9k in the first level, 8k in the second and 7k in the third level (i.e. a 10% penalty per level))

ii Late entry into Tournaments can be made available to players for a minimum of the first 3 blind levels. Regional and National events shall be subject to availability and shall use an alternate system where required

iiiGame Providors may provide an Early Registration Bonus, where provided this must utilise a full stack to all other players.

ivPlayers shall not be penalised for being absent from the table and shall post blinds & antes as normal without prejudice.

*The legality of Re-Entries and Re-Buys must be satisfied at all times, under the terms of the Gambling Act 2005. These rule items are provided for completeness and for sake of venues that meet or exceed the requirements in said act (See Also Rule A9)

** The use of the Alternate system is reserved by TNPL for use as we see fit but shall not, in normal circumstance be used as a regular feature.

B3 Special Needs– Accommodations for players with special needs shall be made when possible

B4 Number of Players at Final Table– Final table must never have more than 10 players

B5 Breaking Tables- Players going from a broken table to fill in seats assume the responsibilities of the position. They can get any seat including the big or small blind or button. The only place they cannot be dealt a hand is between the small blind and the button.

B6 Balancing Tables

i:Redraws for position or seating shall be at the TD’s discretion, players joining a table shall not require a re-draw for position

ii:To balance tables the player who will be big blind next is moved to the worst position, including taking a single big blind when available, even if that means the seat will have the big blind twice. Worst position is never the small blind.

iii:The table from which a player is moved will be specified by a predetermined procedure.

iv:In full-table events, play will halt on a table 3 or more players short of the table with the most players. Play will halt on other game formats at TD’s discretion. Not halting play is not a cause for a misdeal and TDs may elect not to halt play. As the event progresses, when manageable & appropriate, tables will be more tightly balanced.

B7 Player Leaving– Where a player leaves the chips will be removed if it is certain they will not return, otherwise they must remain in play. A player who is absent, shall have a dead-hand when all-in for their remaining chips, but shall receive the position they finish irrespective of their absence.

Section C – Pots/Showdown

C1 Declarations, Cards Speak at Showdown – Cards speak to determine the winner. Verbal declarations of hand value are not binding at showdown. However, deliberately miscalling a hand may be penalized. Any player, in the hand or not, should speak up if he thinks a mistake is being made in the reading of hands.

C2 Tabling Cards & Killing Winning Hand

i:At showdown, a player should put all cards on the table so the dealer and players can read the hand clearly . “All cards” means both hole cards. Dealers cannot kill a hand that was tabled and obviously the winning hand.

ii:If a player does not fully table his cards, then mucks thinking he has won, he does so at his own risk. If the cards are not 100% identifiable and the TD rules that the hand could not clearly be read, the player has no claim to the pot. The TDs decision on whether a hand was sufficiently tabled is final.

C3 Live Cards at Showdown- pushing non-tabled cards forward face down does not automatically kill them; a player may change his mind and table his cards if they remain 100% Identifiable, and have not made contact with the muck pile. Where cards require retrieval this must be attempted by a floorperson.

C4 Face Up for All-ins– All cards will be tabled without delay once a player is all-in and all betting action has been completed

C5 Showdown Order- In a non-all-in showdown, if cards are not spontaneously tabled, the TD may enforce an order of show. The last aggressive player on the final betting round (final street) must table first. If there was no bet on the final street, then the player who would be first to act in a betting round must table first (i.e. first seat left of the button) A player with a probable winner is encouraged to show without delay (slow rolling.) A player may elect to muck his hand face down if he cannot beat a tabled hand.

C6 Playing the Board at Showdown– When playing the board a player must table his complete hand face-up in order to be awarded part of the pot.

C7 Asking to See a Hand- Asking to see a hand is a privilege granted at TD’s discretion to protect the integrity of the game (suspicion of invalid hand, collusion, etc). This privilege is not to be abused.

C8 Awarding Odd Chips- The odd chip goes to the high hand. When there are 2 or more high hands, the odd chip(s) will go to the left of the button.

C9 Side Pots– Each Side Pot shall be split separately.

C10 Disputed Pots– The right to dispute a hand ends when a new hand begins see rule D1

Section D – General Procedures

D1 New Hand and New Limits- When time has elapsed in a round and a new level is announced by a member of the tournament staff, software or otherwise displayed, the new level applies to the next hand. A hand begins with the first riffle (shuffle). If an automatic shuffler is being used, the hand begins when the green button is pushed. Posting blinds in lieu shall not qualify for retention of the previous level.

D2 Chip Race, Scheduled Colour Ups

Nuts poker league rules against

i:At scheduled color-ups, chips will be (a) Chipped Up or (b) Raced Off subject to the TD’s discretion.

(a) Chips shall be rounded up to the new value, for example 125 in 25’s shall receive 200 in 100’s

(b) Chip Races shall start in seat 1 with each player receiving all their cards before moving on, with a maximum of one chip awarded to a player. Players cannot be raced out of an event: a player losing his remaining chip(s) in a race will get 1 chip of the lowest denomination still in play.

Nuts poker league rules card game

ii:Players must have their chips fully visible and are encouraged to witness the chip race.

iii:If after the race, a player still has chips of a removed denomination, they will be exchanged for current denominations only at equal value.

iv:Errors made during chip races will NOT be corrected where players had the opportunity to remain and witness the race.

D3 Cards & Chips Kept Visible, Countable & Manageable, Discretionary Color Ups

i:Players are entitled to a reasonable estimation of an opponent's chip count; thus chips should be kept in countable stacks. The TDA recommends clean stacks in multiples of 20 as a standard. Players must keep higher denomination chips visible and identifiable at all times.

ii:TDs will control the number & denomination of chips in play and may color up at their discretion. Color ups are to be announced.

iii:Players with live hands must keep their cards in plain view at all times.

D4 Deck Changes– Deck Changes will be prescribed by the house, players may not request a deck change, however if a card is defective they are obligated to inform the dealer/floorperson without delay.

D5 Re-Buys*(See B2 footnote)– A player must not miss a hand. If a player announces the intent to re-buy before a new hand, he is playing chips behind and is obligated the make the re-buy.

D6 Calling for a Clock- Once a reasonable amount of time passes and a clock is called for, a player will be given up to 50 seconds to make a decision. If action is not taken before time expires, there will be a 10-second countdown. If the player has not acted by the end of the countdown, the hand is dead. A tie goes to the player. The time allowed under this rule should be reduced where levels are less than 30 minutes, 20 minutes and so on. A tie going to the player is a situation where there is uncertainty between the countdown finishing and the player announcing call.

D7 Rabbit Hunting- No rabbit hunting is allowed. Rabbit hunting is revealing any cards “that would have come” if the hand had not ended

D8(R) The Shuffle– TNPL Recommends that, the player who had the button on the previous hand shall shuffle the deck and then pass the deck to the new button who will make the final cut and proceed with the new hand.

D9 Card Ranks– When drawing for button position or carrying out chip races using high/low cards there shall be no ties with the order of suits being Reverse Alphabetical (High to Low) Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs. Card ranks shall not settle ties for position of elimination.

Nuts Poker League Rules Card Game

Section E – Present / Eligible for Hand

E1 At Your Seat- A player must be at his seat when the first card is dealt on the initial deal or he will have a dead hand. A player not then at his seat is dealt in, he may not look at his cards, and the hand is immediately killed after the initial deal. His blinds and antes are posted and if dealt the bring-in card in a stud-type game he will post the bring-in. A player must be at his seat to call time. At your seat” means within reach of your chair. This rule is not intended to condone players being out of their seats while involved in a hand.

Nuts poker league rules card game

E2 At the Table with Action Pending- A player with a live hand must remain at the table if any further betting action remains in the hand. Leaving the table is incompatible with a players duty to protect his hand and follow the action, and is subject to penalty.

Section F – Button/Blinds

F1 Dead Button– Tournament Play shall use a dead button (also known as a ghost dealer)

F2 Dodging Blinds- Players who intentionally dodge any blind when moving from a broken table will incur a penalty

F3 Button in Heads-up- In heads-up play, the small blind is on the button and acts first pre-flop and last on all other betting rounds. The last card is dealt to the button. When beginning heads-up play, the button may need to be adjusted to ensure no player has the big blind twice.

Section G – Dealing Rules

G1 Misdeals

i:Misdeals include but are not necessarily limited to: 1) 2 or more boxed cards (see rule G6) on the initial deal; 2) first card dealt to the wrong seat; 3) cards dealt to a seat not entitled to a hand; 4) a seat entitled to a hand is dealt out; 5) If either of the first 2 cards dealt off the deck or any other 2 downcards are exposed by dealer error. Players may be dealt 2 consecutive cards on the button. A Card which leaves the table shall be treated as an exposed card.

ii:If a misdeal is declared, the re-deal is an exact re-play: the button does not move, no new players are seated, and limits stay the same. Cards are dealt to players on penalty or who were not at their seats for the original deal, and their hands are killed after the re-deal. The original deal and re-deal count as one hand for a player on penalty, not two.

iii:If substantial action occurs, a misdeal cannot be declared and the hand must proceed (See Rule G2).

G2 Substantial Action- Substantial Action is either: A) any two actions in turn, at least one of which puts chips in the pot (i.e. any 2 actions except 2 checks or 2 folds); OR B) any combination of three actions in turn (check, bet, raise, call, or fold). See also Rules G1 and H2

G3 Four Card Flop- If the flop contains 4 (rather than 3) cards, whether exposed or not, the dealer shall scramble the 4 cards face down. A floorperson will be called to randomly select one card to be used as the next burn card and the remaining 3 cards will become the flop.

G4 Invalid Hand– A player with an invalid hand (eg 3 cards , a joker etc) shall have a dead hand if they fail to bring attention to the fact before substantial action occurs. Play should continue as if no error had occurred once substantial action occurs – for example a player with 3 cards brings attention to the fact after substantial action has occurred, the dealer shall burn and turn the board as normal.

G5 Board Errors– Where board cards are placed out prematurely notwithstanding rule G2 above (ie Substantial Action has not occurred) the card(s) will not play, even where a player elects to fold, play should continue with as many board cards retained as possible (ie a flop error occurs, the turn and river should be drawn from the deck face down and the stub can then be re-shuffled)

G6 Boxed Cards– A Boxed card is a card which is discovered face-up in the stub. Procedure for dealing with a boxed card varies depending on the time it is discovered. A single boxed card shall be treated as a meaningless scrap of paper and placed in the muck pile. Two or more boxed cards shall invalidate the deal unless substantial action has occurred, in which case the hand must proceed in as fair a way as possible.

Section H – Play: Bets & Raises

H1 Verbal Bet Declarations / Acting in Turn / Undercalls

i:Players must act in turn. Verbal betting declarations in turn are binding. Chips put in the pot in turn stay in the pot. An undercall (betting less than the current call amount) is a mandatory full call if made facing an opening bet multi-way on any betting round, or facing any bet heads up. In all other situations, TD’s discretion applies. For purposes of this rule, the posted BB is the opening bet on the first round.

ii:Players should wait for clear bet amounts before acting. Ex: A says “raise” (but states no amount), and B and C quickly fold. B and C should wait to act until A’s exact raise amount is clear. All-in buttons can greatly reduce undercall frequency.

H2 Action Out of Turn (OOT)

i: Action out of turn is subject to penalty and is binding if the action to the OOT player has not changed. A check, call or fold does not change action. If action changes, the OOT bet is binding and is not returned to the OOT player who has limited options of calling or folding. An OOT fold is binding.

ii:A player skipped by OOT action must defend his right to act. If there is reasonable time and the skipped player has not spoken up by the time substantial action (Rule G2) OOT occurs to his left, the OOT action is binding. The floor will be called to render a decision on how to treat the skipped hand.

H3 Methods of Calling

Standard and acceptable forms of calling include: A) verbally declaring “call”; B) pushing out chips equal to a call; C) silently pushing out an overchip; or D) silently pushing out multiple chips equal to a call under the multiple-chip betting rule (Rule H7).Silentlybetting chip(s) relatively tiny to the bet (ex: NLHE, blinds 2k-4k. A bets 50k, B then silently puts out a single 1k chip) is non-standard, strongly discouraged, subject to penalty, and will be interpreted at TDs discretion, including being ruled a full call.

H4 Methods of Raising

A raise must be made by (A) placing the full amount in the pot in one motion; or (B) verbally declaring the full amount prior to the initial placement of chips into the pot; or (C) verbally declaring “raise” prior to pushing out the exact amount to call into the pot and then completing the action with one additional motion. Under option C, if other than the exact amount to call, but less than a minimum raise is first put out, it will be ruled a minimum raise. It is the player's responsibility to make his intentions clear.

H5 Raises

i:A raise must be at least the size of the largest previous bet or raise of the current betting round. If a player raises 50% or more of the previous bet but less than the minimum raise, he must make a full raise. The raise will be exactly the minimum raise allowed.

ii:An all-in wager of less than a full raise does not reopen the betting to a player who has already acted and is not facing at least a full raise when the action returns to him. In limit, at least 50% of a full raise is required to re-open betting for players who have already acted.

H6 Oversized Chip Betting Anytime when facing a bet or blind, placing a single oversized chip in the pot is a call if a raise isn’t first verbally declared. To raise with an oversized chip, raise must be declared before the chip hits the table surface. If raise is declared (but no amount), the raise is the maximum allowable for that chip. When not facing a bet, placing an oversized chip in the pot without declaration is a bet of the maximum for the chip.

H7 Multiple Chip Betting

When facing a bet, unless a raise is declared first, a multiple-chip bet is a call if there is not one chip that can be removed and still leave at least the call amount. Example: preflop, 200-400 blinds: A raises to 1200 total (an 800 raise), B puts out two 1000 chips without declaring raise. This is just a call because removing one 1000 chip leaves less than the amount to call (1200). If the single removal of any one chip leaves the call amount or more, the bet is governed by the 50% Rule.

H8 Previous Bet Chips Not Pulled In

If a player faces a raise and has chips in front of him not yet pulled in from a prior bet, those chips (and any change due) may affect whether his betting response to the raise is a call or re-raise. Because several possibilities exist, players are encouraged to verbally declare their bet before putting out new chips on top of chips from a prior bet not yet pulled in.

H9 Number of Allowable Raises

There is no cap on the number of raises.

H10 Accepted Action

Poker is a game of alert, continuous observation. It is the caller’s responsibility to determine the correct amount of an opponent’s bet before calling, regardless of what is stated by the dealer or players. If a caller requests a count but receives incorrect information from the dealer or players, then places that amount in the pot, the caller is assumed to accept the full correct action & is subject to the correct wager or all-in amount. As with all tournament situations, Rule 1 may apply at TD’s discretion.

H11 Pot Size & Pot-Limit Bets

Dealers will not count the pot no-limit games. Declaring “I bet the pot” is not a valid bet in no-limit but it does bind the player to making a valid bet (at least a minimum bet), and may be subject to penalty. If the player is facing a bet he must make a valid raise.

H12 String Bets and Raises

Dealers will be responsible for calling string bets and raises.

H13 Non-Standard & Unclear Betting

Players use unofficial betting terms and gestures at their own risk. These may be interpreted to mean other than what the player intended. Also, whenever the size of a declared bet can reasonably have multiple meanings, it will be ruled as the lesser value. Ex: “I bet five”. If it is unclear whether “five” means 500 or 5,000, the bet stands as 500. See Rules A4, A5 & H4.

H14 Non-Standard Folds

Any time before the end of the last betting round of a hand, folding in turn when there’s been no bet to you (ex: facing a check or first to act post-flop) or folding out of turn are both binding folds and may be subject to penalty.

H15 Conditional Statements

Conditional statements regarding future action are non-standard and strongly discouraged; they may be binding and/or subject to penalty at TD’s discretion. Example: “if – then” statements such as 'If you bet, then I will raise”.

H16 Count of Opponent’s Chip Stack

Players are entitled to a reasonable estimation of opponents’ chip stacks (Rule D3). Players may only request a more precise count if facing an all-in bet. The all-in player is not required to count; if he opts not to, the dealer/floor will count it. Accepted action applies (See Rule D3).

H17 Over-Betting Expecting Change

Betting action should not be used to obtain change. Example: The opening bet is 325 to A and he silently puts out 525 (one 500 and one 25), expecting 200 change. This is a raise to 650 under the multiple chip rule. Putting out more than the intended bet can confuse everyone at the table. All chips pushed out silently are at risk of being counted as part of the bet.

H18 All-In with Chips Found Behind Later

If A bets all-in and a hidden chip is found behind after a player has called, the TD will determine if the chip behind is part of accepted action or not (Rule H10). If not part of the action, A will not be paid off for the chip(s) if he wins. If A loses he is not saved by the chip(s) and the TD may award the chip(s) to the winning caller.

H19 Checking the Nuts– A player who, on the last round of betting, with an undisputable winning hand (i.e. the Exclusive Nuts) causes a hand to go to showdown when last to act i.e. calls or checks and fails to take aggressive action shall receive a penalty – Note an undisputable winning hand is not a nut straight as this would be an undisputable tying hand.

H20 Chip Movement– Chip release is deployed as the method for betting and raising within TNPL, regardless of whether a table has a betting line or not. For example a player may lift a full stack (20 chips) move them forward, cut off 10 chips then withdraw the remainder. Where another player player re-acts to a forward motion the action may be binding, but shall be subject to the floorperson’s decision.

H21 Handling of Chips & Cards– Only the dealer must handle board cards, folded hands (muck pile) and the pot. Where a player wishes to retrieve a mucked hand this must be immediately referred to a member of the floorstaff for a ruling, a player/dealer who retrieves their own or another players hand shall have a dead hand without redress where cards have been mucked as a result of mis-information, the floorstaff shall make an extra effort to retrieve the hand. TNPL recommends that dealers stack pots vertically when dealing to prevent pot splashing from occurring.

Section I – Play: Other

I1 Chips in Transit- Players may not transport tournament chips in any manner that takes them out of view. A player who does so will forfeit the chips and may be disqualified. The forfeited chips will be taken out of play. Must Rack for Move Rule applies in many events and shall be advised accordingly.

I2 Accidentally Killed / Fouled Hands Players must protect their own hands at all times. If a hand is fouled or a dealer kills a hand by mistake, the player has no redress and is not entitled to a refund of called bets. If the player initiated a bet or raise and hasn’t been called, the uncalled bet or raise will be returned. See Rule H21.

I3 Dead Hands

i Your hand will be dead if you announce fold or push your cards forward face-down when facing a bet, throw your cards into the muck pile or otherwise relinquish claim to the pot (note that during a showdown, mucking hands is permitted when there is no player all-in)

ii A players hand shall not be ruled dead except in specific situations (for example improper starting hand, substantial action with a new street dealt, announced dead when facing a clock countdown, irretrievably mucked hands) for most other situations a penalty should instead be assessed and floorstaff should make effort to retain players hands as live whenever possible.

Section J – Etiquette & Penalties

J1 Penalties and Disqualification

i: A penalty may be invoked if a player exposes any card with action pending, throws a card off the table, violates the one-player-to-a-hand rule, or similar incidents occur. Penalties will be invoked for soft play, abuse, disruptive behavior, or cheating.

ii: Penalty options include verbal warnings, “missed hands”, “missed rounds”, and disqualification. Missed round penalties are assessed as follows: the offender will miss one hand for every player (including the offender) at the table when the penalty is given multiplied by the number of penalty rounds. Staff can assess 1 or more missed-hand penalties; 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-round penalties, or disqualification. Repeat infractions are subject to escalating penalties.

iii: During a penalty, the offender must remain away from the table. Cards are dealt to his seat, his blinds and antes are posted, and the hand is killed after each initial deal.

iv: Chips of a disqualified player shall be removed from play.

J2 No Disclosure

iPlayers are obligated to protect other players in the tournament at all times. Therefore players, whether in the hand or not, may not:

1. Disclose contents of live or folded hands, 2. Advise or criticize play at any time, 3. Read a hand that hasn't been tabled.

Nuts Poker League Rules Cheat

iiOne-player-to-a-hand rule will be enforced. Among other things, this rule prohibits showing a hand to or discussing strategy with another player, spectator, or advisor. Players may not discuss their own specific hand but are permitted when heads-up to speculate about their opponent’s hand. Players must not discuss the hand in progress when there are 3 or more active players.

Nuts Poker League Rules Against

J3 Exposing Cards and Proper Folding

A player who exposes his cards with action pending may incur a penalty, but will not have a dead hand. The penalty will begin at the end of the hand. When folding, cards should be pushed forward low to the table, not deliberately exposed or tossed high (“helicoptered”). See also Rule I3.

J4 Ethical Play

iPoker is an individual game. Soft play will result in penalties, which may include chip forfeiture and/or disqualification.

ii Collusion can take many forms and includes but shall not be limited to: Agreeing to check down a player who is all-in, deal making which does not include all players remaining, Chip Dumping to another player. TNPL shall in its sole and absolute discretion disqualify any player, who is believed to have engaged in collusion of any kind.

J5 Etiquette Violations

Repeat etiquette violations will result in penalties. Examples include but are not limited to: delay of game, unnecessarily touching other players’ cards or chips, repeatedly acting out of turn, betting out of reach of the dealer, abusive conduct, and excessive chatter.

Section K – Advertising

Nuts Poker League Rules How To Play

K1 Feature & Final TablesTNPL reserves the right to seat & remove players at feature tables as it sees fit. TNPL reserves the right to deny the use of electronic devices at Feature/Final Tables and further reserves the right to require participants to surrender any device, object or apparel which they see fit before a player takes their seat. Feature/Final Table players agree that the use of profanity is not permitted. Players agree that they may only discuss deals at a Final Table where a suitable Floorperson is present.

K2 Player Images All players participating in any Nuts Poker League tournament or event agree to their image / likeness being published by TNPL for promotional purposes including but not limited to web site, newsletter and live stream broadcasts.

K3 Player Logos ‐ Tournament participants may wear one item of apparel with a logo no larger than 6 square inches in size. TNPL reserves the right at all times, to change the logo size limit, ban the wearing / display of any or all logos, or to ban any apparel or

other means of advertising that contains obscene images or words or is otherwise deemed objectionable. Players reaching the final table will be obliged to wear TNPL logo or apparel and may be asked to cover advertising or logos at TNPL sole discretion.

K4 Advertising Logo ‐ TNPL tournament winners and those who qualify to participate in other events through TNPL, will be required to wear TNPL branded apparel, or the branded apparel of any other company at TNPL sole discretion, throughout their period of participation in those Events. Failure to abide by this rule may lead to the removal of the Professional Events prize.

K5 Advertising Participation ‐ All tournament winners, will be required to participate in media related activities wearing TNPL branded apparel or the branded apparel of any other company at TNPL sole discretion, following their participation in the event.